Portugûes & local vibes

To help you a bit connecting in Portuguese, hereby some basics and tips


Qual é o seu nome?

Local talk

"Como se diz"

Good morning 

Good afternoon 

Good evening   

All good?



You’re welcome

Excuse me

Nice to meet you

I don’t understand

Thank you



Bom dia

Boa tarde

Boa noite

Tudo bem?


Faz favor

De nada

Com licença

Muito prazer

Não compreendo 

Obrigado (said by men)

Obrigada (said by women)

Pastelaria talk

"Uma bica"

The pastelaria is the heart of Portugal. Go to the most traditional ones and join the locals with “uma bica”. Just listen to this Spanish/Russian language and learn. It’s quite hard aight? Okay, so let’s start with understanding more about the Portuguese coffees. Ow and don’t forget to order your ‘pastel de nata’ with your café!

Pastel de nata cafe Ericeira guesthouse Barefoot

Adega talk

"In tha bar"

Cool !

Yes, uh-huh

Cute / Beauty

Dude / Gal

We’re cool

Don’t worry

I’m just playing

Go tell it to Shakespeare

Get lost !

What you see is what you get 

Fixe !


Giro / Gira

Tipo / Tipa

Táss cuul

Não faz mal

Estou a brincar

Vai chatear camões

Desaparece !

Pão pão, queijo queijo

And if you are really interested in learning the language ​

Meet our friend Daniela. There is no better and happier person around, who can teach you some Portuguese.